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Daugavpils. Vacation and tours 2025


Daugavpils - the second largest city of Latvia, situated on the river Daugava (Western Dvina).

The town changed its name several times: Dinaburg (1275), Borisoglebsk (1656 - 1667 years), Daugavpils (1893 - 1920 years), it was renamed to Daugavpils in the era of the first independent republic.

Dinaburg castle was founded in 1277 by the Master of the Livonian Order Ernst von Ratzeburg. Castle ruins are located 18 km from Daugavpils, the ancient site of the Nauensky castle hill. Daugavpils Castle is the symbol of the city of Daugavpils. This outstanding fortification area of ​​150 hectares and is the only castle in Eastern Europe, which from the first half of the XIX century has remained almost unchanged.

In Daugavpils there are also such attractions as the Church Hill, where in the neighborhood there are 5 large temples of 4 denominations.

In Latgale it’s worth a visit Aglona Basilica where thousands of Catholics from all over Latvia make an annual pilgrimage. In 1993 a basilica was visited and consecrated by Pope John Paul II.