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Kuldiga. Vacation and tours2025


City Kuldiga is located 150 km from Riga, in the historic center of Kurzeme, the west of Latvia. According to the Latvian measures it is not so small: 13 thousand people.

Kuldiga first mentioned in chronicles in 1242, when the Livonian Order began to build a fortress on the banks of the Venta. In 1596 -1616 Kuldiga was the capital of the Duchy of Kurzeme. Kuldiga avoided the fate of many Latvian cities affected by numerous wars and fires, retaining the historic center buildings of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Tile roofs and a maze of medieval streets of the city can be admired from the observation deck of the Cathedral of St. Catherine, where Duke Jacob was christened. Worthy to look a bridge across the Venta River, built in 1874 by a Roman drawings.

The widest waterfall in Europe Ventas Rumba is situated here in the city.