Teie linn
Näita kõik linnad
Meie asukoht
Tellige tagasi kõne
Puhkuse tüüp

Kreeta saar - Lassiti Region
Agios Nikolaos
0 m
Pikkus: 25.7167
Laius: 35.158
Hotelli teenused (14)
  • Amfiteater

  • Arst

  • Autoparkla

  • Internetiühendus

  • Jõusaal

  • Keemiline puhastus

  • Konverentsisaal

  • Massaaž

  • Mullivann

  • Saun

  • Spaakeskus

  • Türgi saun

  • Ujula

  • Valuutavahetus

Rand (4)
  • Lamamistoolid

  • Liivarand

  • Päikesevarjud

  • Rannarätikud

Lastele (5)
  • Lapsehoidja

  • Laste mänguväljak

  • Laste miniklubi

  • Laste toitlustus

  • Laste ujumisala

Restoranid ja baarid (2)
  • Baar

  • Restoran

Sport (8)
  • Korvpall

  • Lauatennis

  • Male

  • Minijalgpall

  • Piljard

  • Tennis

  • Veesport

  • Võrkpall

Meelelahutus (1)
  • Mänguautomaadid

Hotelliruumi mugavused (12)
  • Föön

  • Hommikumantel

  • Kliimaseade

  • Kohvimasin

  • Külmkapp

  • Rõdu/terrass

  • Satelliit

  • Seif

  • Teenus "äratuskell"

  • Telefon

  • Teler

  • Vann/dušš

Lisainfo (4)
  • 1 rannajoon

  • Hotellis pole teenuseid puuetega inimestele

  • Krediitkaardid

  • Majutus lemmikloomadega ei ole lubatud

Distance from the beach (1)
  • <100 m

The list of the services provided to guests on the All inclusive system

Main restaurant
Continental breakfast 07:00-07:30
Breakfast American 07:30 till 10:00 buffet
Lunch from 12:45 till 14:45 buffet
Dinner from 19:00 till 21:30 buffet
Restaurants Olive Tree & Marino Al Mare 19.00-22.00 A la carte
One free dinner for all the time of stay in hotel on a booking in advance.
!!! At the minimum accommodation of 7 nights – 1 free dinner at each restaurant.
!!! At the minimum accommodation 4 nights – 1 dinner at one of restaurants.
Drinks at meal time – unlimited number
Easy drinks, juice, draft beer, domestic wine, water.
Drinks "All inclusive" till 24:00
Local alcoholic beverages – ouzo, crayfish, brandy, liqueur, vodka, gin, rum, whisky, tequila. Alcoholic and nonalcoholic cocktails. Easy drinks, juice, draft beer, domestic wine, tea, coffee, water.
Bar at the pool 10.00-23.00
Appetizers 11.30-13.00
Coffee 16.00-17.30
Ice cream 10.00-18.00
Lobby bar 17.30-01.00 (on All inclusive – till 24:00)
Theater 20.30-23.00 bar (easy drinks, draft beer, domestic wine, water)
Bar on beach 10.00-17.00 (easy drinks, draft beer, coffee, tea, water)
Check-in after 14:00 / Check-out 12.00
The bracelet All inclusive isn't necessary
The program works from the moment of arrival before departure from hotel
Ready juice
All drinks are listed in the list of each department
Each guest can receive only 2 drinks for the order
For safety reasons, drinks around pools and on the beach are served in plastic cups
Alcoholic beverages aren't released to guests 18 years are younger
Products and drinks aren't allowed to be taken out out of limits of departments of hotel
Some departments of hotel can periodically work depending on weather conditions and employment
Business hours of Bars and Restaurants can be during the day changed because of weather conditions and employment
Pay attention that in all places of meal it is necessary to consider a respectable dress code.
Placement with animals isn't allowed

! The hotel management reserves the right to make some changes to the program without preliminary prevention.

Keel: Estonian
