Athens – Earth’s precious diamond ring
Attica peninsula - a small triangle at the edge of Central Greece – world widely known; dominated by famous Athens, surrounded by its small satellite -like cities.
From a distance, or top Athens looks like individual city , and sometimes , thanks to the magic of sunlight reflecting off hundreds of thousands of its windows , like a sea of shimmering reflections.
From distance, city seems rather impersonal. Yet, it is worth discovering its small charms that immediately captivate you. You can easily make a trip back in time with a walk around few archaeological sites and historical places. If, in addition, you are somewhat familiar with the history of Athens, you will tremble. Treading in the footsteps of thousands of ancestors, walking on the ground, where they had walked, you feel unique sensations. And, knowing that this is probably the only capital city where you can experience the vibrant nightlife, and then, just a few kilometers away, swim in the beautiful sea, the combination of all this make anyone fall in love with this city even more.
Athens it is. Distant, yet, addictive - never leaving mistress. Hidden beauty, yet, opens up at the gaze of your eyes – a variety that fascinates. It is the already familiar grey face of the city that will let you discover Athens.
Athens (Αθήνα) - the capital of Greece, Attica prefecture, county of Athens. Athens is the economic, cultural and administrative center of the country.
History of Athens
The first evidence of human habitation in Athens belongs to Neolithic era: approximately 4th millennium BC. In any case, this is mainly indicated by several archaeological artifacts that have been found during the excavation of Acropolis.
During the Mycenaean period (13th century BC) Athens has been the political and cultural center of Greece, as evidenced by the remains of Cyclopean walls around the Acropolis, and the route of the royal palace, and, of course, through the great number of legends and myths that have survived up until today.
According to legend, Athens was inhabited by Ionians, taking its name from Jonah - the son of the god Apollo. The greatest kings of Athens: Kekrop, Erechtheus, Aegeus and Theseus, contributed significantly for the city’s development. The site of the royal palace hosts today the famous temple of Erechtheion. The principal founder of the city is Theseus, who freed the Athenians from dues, which they paid to the king of Crete - Minoa. Thanks to him, disparate Athenian state-policies have been united. After the death of Theseus Institute of royal power gradually weakens and, in the end, control of the city goes to several aristocratic families. Up to about 1000 BC Athens was ruled by Ionian kings. Even at that time the city was the political and cultural center. But over time, power of the kings weakened and Athens was under the command of several aristocratic families. In particular , during this period, one of the city’s leaders- Draco, founded the first recorded laws , the severity of which were proverbial in ancient times ( Draconian ) since the most common form of punishment in them was the death penalty. In 594 BC ruler of Athens, was elected one amongst the "seven wise men" of ancient Greece- Solon. He reformed the existing laws; abolished slavery dept and gave Athens the national assembly, the constitution and the Supreme Court, laying the foundation of a limited democracy. In the year 560 BC came to power, the tyrant Pisistratus. The word "tyrant" at that time was understood as the person to concentrate the power in his own hands. Pisistratus was a very wise politician. He supported the poor, encouraged the development of arts and science. It was he, who erected the first temple complexes on Acropolis area. Later, however, based on a system of Solon, Cleisthenes completely overthrew generic tyranny and established democracy that proved a political system of Athens for most of the heyday of the city.
Meanwhile the Athenians could not be called civilians. They were at war with Persia, have made great strides in military strategy and built a powerful fleet, turning Athens into a powerful city-state.
In 431 BC between Sparta and Athens began the Peloponnesian War, which ended in total defeat for the Athenians, the decrease in population in half and reducing the fleet to ten ships.
However, despite all the disasters, Athens never stopped being a cultural center. Aristophanes writes comedies, Plato teaches in created by him Academy, Aristotle becomes the founder of formal logic.
In 338 BC Philip II of Macedon captures Athens and other Greek territory, replaced by his son, Alexander the Great . Athens then becomes part of the Roman Empire. City sends his teachers to Rome and takes the value of the second cultural center on the outskirts of the Empire. The Romans contributed to the architectural appearance of the city, erecting buildings standing to this day, which include the Triumphal Arch of Hadrian. After the fall of the Roman Empire begins the era of Christianity in 50 AD city is visited by the Apostle Paul to preach citizens. During the reign of the Byzantine Empire and the Crusades -Neo-Platonic philosophical schools closed by Justinian I, dungeons Acropolis transformed into the Christian church, and the sanctuary of Athena Parthenonas - into church of Virgin Mary.
Classic Ancient Athens
In 490 BC Persian King Darius decided to punish Athens for the support of another Greek city of Miletus during the uprising of the Greek cities in Minor Asia. Intelligent Persian army landed near the town of Marathon to Athens, where it was waiting for the Athenian forces under the leadership of strategist Miltiadis. There was a battle in which the Athenians won their first victory over the Persians. Ten years later, after the death of Darius, the Persians invaded Attica again-this time with greater force and directly under the authority of King Xerxes. After the legendary Battle of Thermopylae in which a small detachment of Spartans led by King Leonidas heroically held back the entire Persian army, giving time to gather the main Greek forces, the Persians came to Athens and completely destroyed all the temples of the Acropolis. The coup in the war took place after the sea battle of Salamina, which united Greek forces under the leadership strategist Themistocles the Athenian fleet, routed the Persians. A talented politician, Themistocles did much to Athens. He surrounded the city with strong walls, built the port of Piraeus and has ensured that Athens became a great sea power. However, the fate of his was sad. Unrecognized by the Athenians, he was forced to leave the city, he entered the service of the Persian king, where he was murdered by hired assassins. Finally expelled the Persians from the region of Attica strategist Kimon (his grave, which is preserved to this day, is in the area of the Acropolis).
Golden Age of Athens was in 5th century BC - During the reign of Pericles. At that time were built the greatest monuments of Ancient Greece - The Parthenon, the Propylaea of Acropolis of Athens, and others, and the city became the center of intellectual life. Flourish in art and philosophy - Anaksogor, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes and Herodotus doing their immortal works, Socrates lays the foundations of Western philosophy. But, despite the fact that the cultural heritage of this era and to this day has an impact on Western civilization, classical Athens period only lasted five decades.
After the capture of the city of Athens by the Turks became a province of the Ottoman Empire. In 1821 starts the Greek War of Independence. The first capital of Athens is the city of Navplion , and in the 1833 Athens proclaimed capital of the newly created Kingdom of Greece (at that time the city's population reached 5,000 people). In 1834 came to Athens a new Greek King Otto of Bavaria. The young king had the ambition to rebuild the city and restore it to its former glory. He then invited to Athens architects Leo von Klentse and Theophilus von Hansen and built several major streets in the neoclassical style , including Syntagma Square , Athens University , National Park , Exhibition Hall Zappeion .
In 1896, at the restored stadium of Panathinaikos - built of solid marble, were held the first modern Olympic games. And in 2004, it hosted the 28th Summer Olympic Games.
Modern Athens - a metropolis with ancient monuments, world famous for its "night life" and high level shopping centers
The City Name
In the ancient times the name of the city, for that matter, and most of the other cities of Greece, was used in the plural - Athens. In 1970, with the abandonment of katharevousa (Greek dialect), single number - Athena - became official. Although in Russian language as well as in English, the name of the city preserved in plural.
According to a myth, the city was named in honor of the virgin -warrior Athena, goddess of war and wisdom, patron of the arts , crafts , science and knowledge. The first king of Athens Kekrop (half-human, half- serpent) had to decide who would be the patron saint of the city. Two gods Athena and Poseidon, always competing in everything needed to make him a gift and the one who will make the best gift was to become the patron saint of the city. Then Poseidon, god of the sea, right in front of Kekropa struck his trident on a rock and outscored the crystal source . He stressed that thanks to his gift in the city will always be water and its inhabitants will never suffer from drought. But the water was a source of salt, like sea water, which commanded Poseidon. But after the shock of the land of Athenna - wonderful olive tree grew, which gave food, oil and wood for heating. Kekrop was impressed with the gift of Athena. Since then, the city bears the name of a beautiful goddess...
However, historians still have not come to a consensus. There are many other versions of the origin of the name of the city, even though this is - the most beautiful.
The population of Athens, together with the suburbs is about 4 million people (as well as approximately 500,000 immigrants living impermanent), estimated for over a third of the entire population of Greece.
Center of ancient Athens was located around the Acropolis and and occupied Thissio and Plaka areas. These areas, together with an area of Syntagma and Kolonaki and hill Lycavitos today constitute the tourist center of the city. Monastiraki area directly under the walls of the Acropolis - the largest shopping area of the city.
The center of the modern city is Syntagma Square, where the former royal palace, Parliament and many buildings of the XIX century, built in a classical style. This building, University of Athens, located on Panepistimiou Avenue, the building of the National Library and the Academy of Athens, called «Athens Trilogy ".
The highest among modern architectural constructions of the capital since 1971, is the Athens Tower 1, which at the time of construction was the tallest building in the Balkan region, and today remains the only skyscraper in Greece.
More recently, Athens was a “famous” to its smog, lots of traffic and chaotic urban development. Now, with the implementation of projects for the Olympic Games 2004 in Athens - the city became a convenient place for tourists. Lovely and clean parks and roads, the modern subway, new roads, easily accessible airport, frequent and flawless pointers to help tourists enjoy visiting the city.
Take time to Athens! Meet with its sights! And you will never regret it! After all, the Acropolis, the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the treasures of the National Archaeological Museum - is this milestone in the history and culture of the Western world. Well, then you can continue your trip by visiting the islands of Saronic Gulf.
Acropolis in Greek – the edge of the city (the outskirts). Parthenon is considered as Acropolis’ pearl/gem. It is the city’s symbol and its main attraction. Therefore, Athens examination begins from Parthenon-Acropolis.
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The New Acropolis Museum
Climbing up the Acropolis, you will immediately notice the -art building of 300 m away from Acropolis itself, which stands out against the background of the overall landscape. This is the new archaeological museum of Acropolis.
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The Ancient Agora
Ancient Agora - a market area, which hosted the national court or assembly of free citizens in the open. Thus, upon conviction of the Agora Socrates was executed in prison. Shopping arcades, theaters, schools, and coin-yard are all located in here. One should follow Panathenaic way/ path from Acropolis in order to reach Agora.
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One of the oldest inhabited areas in Athens , bordered by Agora . Especially interesting to walk here on Saturday and Sunday. Around hum with life and works flea market on the street Ifestu . You can buy anything you want , from standard souvenirs to antique furniture.
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It is the most ancient Athenian neighborhood. It can be called as the most comfortable as well. Plaka is designed for walking, with narrow quiet streets; every step of you will lead to picturesque cafes, taverns, and friendly locals. Houses around are not so old, and - just "some” 200-300 years, yet, built on the foundations of ancient times.
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Syntagma Square (Constitution Square)
Underground stop close to square took its name - Syntagma Square is on the rating list of most unusual underground names in the world.
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Panathenaic stadium
From Syntagma Square one can take a walk through the beautiful Royal Garden with ponds - numerous locals and visitors come to feed the ducks living here - and to be found in front of the most amazing sight of Athens – the Panathenaic Stadium.
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Mount Lycabettus
Over urban neighborhoods of Athens, in the city center rises Mount Lycabettus ( Lycabettus ) . The mountain is 277 meters above sea level. It is a legendary place, with magnificent views of Athens, Acropolis, sea and the mountains surrounding the city.
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The Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos
Not far from the streets of Piraeus is the Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos . It is a small museum in the so -called external ceramic (a district of Athens). It is in this area, in ancient times, where numerous workshops engaged in the manufacture of the famous Attic pottery were arranged.
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Tower of the Winds
This ancient building is located near the Roman Agora. It was built in the II century BC.
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Museum of Cycladic Art
Museum of Cycladic Art -Nicholas Goulandris - one of the largest museums of Athens. It was founded in 1986 on the basis of a private collection of Cycladic and Ancient Greek Art Goulandris family , one of the most wealthy and noble families of Greece.
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The Benaki Museum
Benaki Museum- in Athens- is one of the oldest museums in Greece. It was founded in 1930 by Antonis Benakis as an honor to his father Emmanuel Benakis. The museum is hosted in family’s neoclassical style mansion, which was built in 1867. It was only in April of 1931 that the museum was open to public.
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“Attica” Zoo
Zoological Park «Attica " - a private institution. It is situated on the outskirts of Athens in an area of 20 hectares. First, it was created as Bird Park. At that time, a collection of birds that live in here considered as the third largest in the world and hosted more than 1000 birds of 300 different species.
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Gekatompedon - one of the oldest temples of Acropolis of Athens. The name of the church is linked to the size of its intact (the inside of the church) - 100 ft (32.8 m ) long and 50 feet ( 16.4 m ) wide. Gekatompedon translated literally means "the one of 100 feet”.
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Hadrian's Arch
Hadrian's Arch - is a monumental gate, somewhat reminiscent of the famous Arc de Triomphe in Rome. It is situated on Amalias Avenue.
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Allous Fun Park
Allous Fun Park - the largest park in Athens.
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Casino Mont Parnes
At an altitude of 1055 meters on Mount Parne “Parnifa”, north bounding of Athens is located the famous casino of Mount Parnassus, in Greece , as it was called in the 70's, during its heyday.
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Cape Sounion
This small rocky peninsula jutting out into the deep waters of the Aegean Sea, with the remains of the magnificent temple of Poseidon at its tip , has become , along with the Parthenon the hallmark of Greece.
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Temple of Poseidon
The main attraction at Cape Sounio is the Temple of Poseidon.
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The climate of Athens is subtropical semiarid. Winter is usually rainy, occasionally there are frosts, and sometimes snow falls. Summer is very hot and dry. However, no significant precipitation may be missing a few months. Through the influence of the Mediterranean autumn is very long, but spring comes a little later.
Athens is located in the central plain of Attica, the so-called pool, surrounded by mountains Egaleo from the west, Parnes from north, Penteli to the northeast and east hue. The city is washed by the Saronic Gulf in the south -west. Since Athens took all the plain (flat country|), it is very difficult to continue the growth of the territory due to natural boundaries. However, it is constantly expanding through the suburbs : today Pallini, in the east of Attica, is the eastern outskirts of the city , Agios Stefanos - north -east , Aharne - north , Liosia - Northwest , Moschato - Western and Varkiza - southern outskirts . The city is divided by Kifisos river , which flows down from the mountain Penteli - Parnifa , flows into the Saronic Gulf , separating Piraeus from the rest of Athens. In Athens, also proceed such rivers as: Pikrodafni and Eridanus, hidden, however, under the concrete.
The soil is rocky and infertile, consists of the Athens shale and limestone.
The shortest day here starts at 8:00 and ends at 16.45, and at the time of the longest day of the year the sun rises at 4.20 am and sets at 21.20.
A short distance from the capital, there is a strip of luxury beaches: Faliro, Glyfada, Voula, Vouliagmeni (the most prestigious resort in Attica) and Varkiza. In a distance of 30-40 km from Athens, are the famous resorts - Lagonissi , Mati Marathonas , Vravrona , Nea Makri , Loutraki ( famous for its mineral waters, beautiful nature and unique climatic conditions). South Beach of Aegean Bay is also famous for its beaches. Amongst famous are Pasalimani, Lavrio, Panormos , Makronisos , Porto Rafti and others. On the north coast of Aegean Gulf stretch such beaches as Rafina, Kokkino, Limanaki, Agios Andreas, Nea Makri, Rera, Calamos, Nea Palatia ( Oropos ) and many others.
" Greek Riviera " - as it is often called . This beautiful southern seaside suburb of Athens is where all the most famous entertainment venues in Athens are located.
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The most famous beach – Asteras Coast - stretches the entire length of small peninsula to the south of Glyfada.
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Voula of Attica (Voula Attikis)
This is large and very popular for Athenians organized sandy beach, in a few meters away from the coastal avenue of Poseidon , about 500 meters from the tram stop and just 18 km south-east from the center of Athens.
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Vouliagmeni Lake
Lake is located 21 km from the center of Athens, on the southern coast of Attica in a very picturesque place. It is separated from the sea, a little less than 100 m. During the rule of the Turks lake had the name of “karadji” (dark water) similar to the present one “Vouliagmeni”.
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Yabanaki Beach in Varkiza
Massive in length, sandy and well organized Yabanaki beach is located 27km on south-east of Athens city center.
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Grand Resort Lagonissi Beach
Big beautiful sandy and well organized beach is in front of the eponymous hotel complex is about 40 km south-east from the center of Athens.
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Kinetta Beach
Kinetta Beach is located in front of Kinetta village, surrounded by pine trees and located 55km western to Athens city center, protected from west coast winds of Saronic Gulf
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Nea Péramos
This large sandy beach is located 35 kilometers west of Athens having all the necessary amenities.
Porto Hermano Beach
Large and comfortable beach located within Porto Hermano town resort, 60 km on west of Athens.
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Psatha Beach
This too, is a large and sandy beach with length that of 2.5km located by Pateras mount, 20km from Vilia village and 60km on west of Athens.
Bomo Palace Hotel
- Region:
- Athens Glyfada
- Rooms:
- 76
Fully renovated in 2018, BOMO Palace Hotel is conveniently located on the beachfront of Glyfada, Athens. Neat architecture and a minimalistic decoration create a cozy atmosphere where you can enjoy a drink by the pool or a walk by the beach. The center of the luxurious Glyfada district is within a walking distance should you desire to shop for famous brands. Piraeus Port is very close, so you can...Entire year -
Aparthotel 3*360 Degrees Hotel
- Region:
- Athens
- Rooms:
- 20
Small modern hotel in the center of Athens. Choice of rooms, internet, restaurant, bar, quality service.Entire year