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An excursion to Athens is probably the most popular tourist route among the guests of Greece.

Athens, the capital of Greece, is a unique city that combines historical epochs, cultural heritage of many generations and a unique atmosphere. The city, proudly bearing through the centuries the name of its patroness - the goddess of wisdom, just war, arts and crafts.

Athens is located in Attica, in the eastern part of central Greece. The city is one of the oldest in the world. Ancient Athens, originally located on the hill of the Acropolis, emerged in the 6th century BC and quickly developed into a powerful city-state with an important port. In the classical era it was the center of arts knowledge and philosophy, the site of the Plato Academy and the Aristotle Lyceum. Athens is considered the birthplace of democracy.

Modern Athens (the capital of the country since 1834) is the center of the economic, industrial, political and cultural life of Greece.

In addition to the majestic Acropolis, you will visit the world-renowned New Museum of the Acropolis of Athens, which opened its doors to visitors from all over the world in June 2009. Besides, a professional guide will acquaint you with the main attractions of Athens, this ancient and amazing city: the Areopagus hill; Dionysus Theater; the odeon of Herodotus Atticus; White marble Panathena stadium; neoclassical buildings of the University of Athens, the National Library and the Greek Parliament, where a colorful change of the guard of honor takes place at the monument of the unknown soldier.

The excursion ends with a walking tour of the picturesque area of ​​"old" Athens - Plaka, with many souvenir shops, traditional taverns and cozy cafes.

The route from the Peloponnese region includes a stop at the Corinth Canal.


  • it is advisable to have a copy of your passport and insurance with you;
  • wear comfortable shoes for your comfort;
  • entrance tickets and lunch are paid additionally;
  • the excursion program can be changed in case of force majeure circumstances, according to weather conditions or at the discretion of the guide;
  • duration: full day (for some regions, departure the night before).

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March 2025
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