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Cruise to three islands of the Saronic Gulf (Aegina, Poros, Hydra)

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This exciting one-day boat trip along the waters of the Saronic Gulf gives you the opportunity to visit 3 beautiful islands at once.

The first one is Aegina, famous for the magnificently preserved antique temple of Aphaia, the Cathedral of St. Nektarios of Aegina, and local pistachios (which cannot be found tastier in the whole Mediterranean).

You will also visit Poros - an island of volcanic origin, with dense vegetation, hills and picturesque bays.

The third island - Hydra, the birthplace of merchant ship owners, will captivate guests with its indescribable atmosphere. It is completely devoid of cars, which has a beneficial effect on the environmental situation. Hydra today is a favorite vacation spot for people of art and bohemians.

Each island is characterized by unique architecture and unique landscapes.

The price of the program includes lunch and a folklore program on board the cruise ship.


  • it is advisable to have a copy of your passport and insurance with you;
  • wear comfortable shoes for your comfort;
  • the excursion program can be changed in case of force majeure circumstances, weather conditions or at the discretion of the guide;
  • be vigilant - watch out for your children;
  • lunch on board is included in the price;
  • duration: full day.

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Мова: Ukrainian

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