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Sightseeing tour of the island

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We suggest you a fascinating excursion around the Zakynthos island. You will have an unforgettable journey, in which you will see the whole island and discover the most amazing places. Breathtaking panoramas, great climate, picturesque villages, turquoise sea and unique landscapes are themselves monuments of the incomparable beauty of Zakynthos.

Our first stop is at the Aristeon Oil Mill Museum, a traditional family business since the 1800s. Today, olives are processed here using the most modern equipment, which makes it possible to obtain cold-pressed oil with almost zero acidity. Here in the museum you can learn about the development of this industry in Greece, see the mechanisms that were used in production back in the 18th century. Everyone will be able not only to taste the olive oil, but also to purchase it.

Further, our path lies to the town of Maherada, which houses the Church of Saints Equal to the Apostles Timothy and Mavra. Also it will be interesting to visit the village of Maries, where, according to legend, Mary Magdalene preached Christianity. In the village of Exochora, you will see the oldest olive tree on the island, which is more than 2500 years old.

As part of the excursion, a boat trip (about 45 minutes) awaits you, during which you can visit several picturesque caves, swim in the azure waters of the Ionian Sea and even see the sad face of Poseidon, which appears on one of the rocks.

The program will continue at the observation deck (250 m above sea level) with a breathtaking view of the famous Navagio bay. You will definitely have free time to capture all the natural beauty of this place.

Next, there is a stop in the Anafonithiria village, where you can taste homemade wine and local sweets. And at the end of the day - a visit to the observation deck near the village of Katastari, from where a stunning view of the entire northeastern part of the island opens.


  • it is advisable to have a copy of your passport and insurance with you;
  • wear comfortable shoes for your comfort;
  • entrance tickets and lunch are paid additionally;
  • the program of excursions can be changed in case of force majeure circumstances, depending on weather conditions or at the discretion of the guides;
  • don't forget to bring hats, sunscreens and swimwear;
    duration: full day.

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